Are You New to Canada?

The video titled ‘Are You New to Canada?’ is an informational guide designed to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada. It addresses potential mental health struggles that newcomers might face, such as stress, bad dreams, feelings of loss, and discrimination. The video suggests strategies like reflecting on past coping mechanisms, focusing on positive aspects, connecting with community members, and seeking help when needed. It encourages newcomers to seek support and suggests simple actions to help others while emphasizing the importance of small changes. Additionally, it provides resources for further information on mental health for

For newcomers, adapting to a different climate, culture, and language while trying to find a job, a place to live, and new friends can be tough. If you're coming from a place where safety is an issue, you might face even bigger challenges like having bad dreams, feeling angry, not sleeping well, eating poorly, and always feeling tired. Sometimes, problems with one’s mental health can affect their physical health as well. These issue can make settling in even harder.

Watch this video on more information on how the process of immigration and settling down in a new place might affect newcomers’ mental health and how they can reach out for help – “Are You New to Canada?”


Coping with Acculturation Stress


Healthcare in Canada: Mental health and well-being support for newcomers